Thursday, September 9, 2010

Long time, no post

Alright, so I guess its about time I get off my lazy butt and update this a bit
Sooo, how bout I start off with a photo dump? Just some random LA pics; celebrity stars, pretty skies, that kind of thing ^_^
preeetty sun rise ^_^
Who is Andrew Lloyd Webber? *facepalm*
I'm a dork, I know
totally took this without lookin XD *severe arachnophobia*
couldn't catch him posing, and didn't feel like getting hit by a car to get closer XP
some totally adorable lolitas ^_^

So, yeah
totally not all the pictures I took, but enough XD

Been busy since I got back, having to catch up on all my studio class work. Luckily, I've been able to make good time, and am almost totally caught up. I have a sculpture in plaster that I have almost done (just needs to be sand papered and then textured), a skeleton set for figure drawing, and a preliminary painting for oil. Oil painting, so far, isn't too bad, but my whole lacking the painting skills is proving to be a challenge.
The skeletons... have a bit more done than shown here... just need to add muscles on tracing paper to lay over the bones... will look pretty darn cool when I'm done ;D
Like I said, is plaster... has to show upwards movement by using transitional shapes... I think it works, but I tend to be a bit biased XD
So, yeah....
Thats about all for now, been staying preeetty busy, but happy ^_^